Lid geworden februari 2014
Gewicht Geschiedenis

86,2 kg
Tot nu toe verloren: 13,6 kg

Huidig Gewicht
72,6 kg
Voortgang: gewichtsbehoud

72,6 kg
Nog te gaan: 0 kg
47 years old.
Married to a wonderful man for almost 25 years.
Three kids. Oldest is married with two little boys, aged 2-1/2 and 4 months.
Middle child is studying abroad in Sweden and I miss him like crazy (we're half way through his 10 months away).
Youngest child lives at home and is attending local community college.
Proud parent/owner of an 8-year old Pomeranian and a 7-year old Cocker Spaniel. They are exhausting at times, and it makes it tricky to show our house (which is on the market because it is just TOO much house for the three of us), but I find it hard to imagine life without them.

I became a nurse in 2000, but injured my back in 2003. I continued to work until 2007, at which time I gave up my full-time position and switched to unscheduled. I continued that way for two years, but when they stopped giving me work, I started nannying for a friend's child.

For the last two years I have been trying without success to find employment again as a nurse. I guess if I was able to work full-time, I'd have no problem. I find satisfaction working as a Senior Helper half-time.

I come from a family of "big boned" women. My mother has rarely been below a size 18-20 since her early 30s. Until my back injury, I had almost managed to stay in the size 12 range, but am now up to a size 16.

I care more about overall health than a number on the scale. I don't want to develop diabetes, so becoming more active and losing a few pounds seems like a good plan to me.

I love to sing, read, craft (sewing and counted cross-stitch) and spend time with my kids and grandkids. I would love to travel someday, so I hope to decrease my pain and increase my endurance to make this dream a reality.

gilliansings's Gewicht Geschiedenis


Laatst ingevoerde gewicht: Gewichtstoename van 0,6 kg per week Up
Laatst ingevoerde gewicht: Gewichtsafname van 0,2 kg per week Down
UK cats
Laatst ingevoerde gewicht: Gewichtsafname van 0,6 kg per week Down
Laatst ingevoerde gewicht: Gewichtstoename van 0,4 kg per week Up

gilliansings's Kookboek

Calorieën: 173kcal | Vet: 4,57g | Kolhy: 31,92g | Eiwit: 2,06g
Baked Sweet Potato Fries
Sweet potatoes don't just belong in a casserole on the holidays, with this recipe you can incorporate sweet potatoes into your regular dinner rotation very easily.
Calorieën: 118kcal | Vet: 0,96g | Kolhy: 27,25g | Eiwit: 3,50g
Chocolate Banana Souffles
These are little bowls of heaven, so creamy and rich.
Calorieën: 242kcal | Vet: 18,66g | Kolhy: 10,59g | Eiwit: 10,09g
Cauliflower Fried Rice
Grated cauliflower instead of rice is both delicious and low carb.
Kookboek bekijken

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