davidsprincess's Logboek, 28 mrt 22

This isn't to celebrate being overweight or unhealthy but I think that my thinking is pretty fucked up. I bash myself constantly. I hate my body. I say it in front of my teenage girls and I think I have them fucked up too. I have worked hard today to not insult myself and I am going to work hard to not comment negatively on anyone else's appearance. I need to do better for my kids and for myself. I read this last night on facebook and it was from the Eating Recovery Center and it spoke to me. I came to the realization that I spend probably 80-90% of my free time- that is any time not actively working- thinking about food, calories, being fat, what it will take to be thin, how to look better, and just eating in general. It isn't normal. This had 7 ways to be body positive and I am going to give it a try. Sorry this is so long. Read it or don't. ;)
1. Celebrate your body.
We can learn how to celebrate our bodies for all that they are and all that they do. It may sound and feel trite, awkward, or downright uncomfortable at first, but celebrating our bodies is the first step towards accepting our bodies. Our bodies are more than their ability to gain and lose weight, more than their ability to contort into the current fleeting beauty-ideal, and more than their ability to conform to society’s impossibly narrow standards. Our bodies swim, nap, canoe, run, watch marathon-length Netflix sessions, play video games, and more — they should be celebrated for what they do — not berated for how they appear.

2. Think positively, as much as possible.
Consciously counter every negative comment you think about your body with a positive comment. When you have lived with an eating disorder, negative comments about your body are in generous supply. In fact, it is likely easier for us to generate negative body comments than positive ones — which is why countering these statements is so crucial. For every disparaging thought you have about your body, take a moment to reflect on your body’s myriad positive aspects. When we focus on what our body does for us — how it aids us in living our lives—we are able to more effectively block out the negativity.

3. Be mindful with clothing.
Wear an article of clothing that makes you feel great, regardless of how you feel others may perceive you. In a world of “what not to wear” and “fashion police,” it is hard to feel comfortable in certain articles of clothing — especially with that added fear that someone may comment on your clothing. No matter how much you may like a piece of clothing, the ever-present fear of someone negatively commenting on your body will likely keep you from expressing your true self.

4. Focus on character — not appearances.
Compliment yourself and others on their character, not their body or appearance. All too often we’re greeted with, “You look so good. Did you lose weight?” Does that mean that, in order to look “good,” a person has to lose weight? Does it mean that they looked “bad” the last time you saw them? Does it mean that you’re only “good” if you lose weight? NO! Our bodies have absolutely no bearing on our worth as individuals — none. When we focus so intently on our perceived flaws, we will never be able to see the phenomenal aspects of our bodies or our character. By actively pointing the remarkable traits that are possessed by both ourselves and others, we are able to decrease the emphasize on body and appearance.

5. Respect yourself.
Respect your body’s needs: if it wants to move, move; if your body wants to rest, rest; if it wants to eat, eat; if it wants a massage, get a massage. It’s your body and you know its needs better than anyone else. Having needs is not a weakness — though society will actively work to convince you otherwise. Denying ourselves of our needs is not the strength we are lead to believe that it is. In addition, an eating disorder will actively work to persuade us that either 1) we have no needs or 2) we must ignore our needs. I’m here to say that all bodies have needs. A majority of recovery is recognizing what our body’s current needs are, and then effectively meeting them as a means to support and care for our bodies.

6. Become an activist.
We can spread body positivity by participating in body activism projects. I’ve joined myriad body positive groups on Facebook while simultaneously blocking “friends” who consistently post body-negative updates. In the grocery store, I turn around books and magazines that objectify bodies by promoting beauty ideals or the latest fad diets. If people can’t see them, they can’t buy them or fall victim to their propaganda. The diet industry makes over $60 billion annually by convincing us that something is so fundamentally flawed and wrong about us that we can only “fix’’ it by losing weight. But there is no “wrong” body. All bodies are good bodies, and we need not “fix” our bodies in order to be loved.

7. Believe that you are worthy.
I leave you with this: appreciate your body. It is all yours and you get only one. Your body is a masterpiece of creation, and there is no other body out there like yours —none. When the world seeks to mold you to fit their idea of worthiness–their narrow and impossible view of perfection — you sacrifice all the amazing attributes that make you unique and loved. We do not gain worthiness by conforming to the ways of others — giving up our true selves. Each time we strive to achieve the trivial and fleeting definition of worthiness, we give up a piece of what makes us extraordinary. You will gain worthiness each time you stand up for who you really are, each time you’re your authentic self in the face of adversity, and each time you hold true to your values.

Bekijk Dieet Kalender, 28 maart 2022:
1964 kcal Vet: 93,65g | Eiwit: 50,88g | Kolhy: 242,95g.   Ontbijt: Peanut Butter, Thomas' Bagel Thins - Plain, Coffee. Lunch: Meijer Triple Chocolate Creme Cake, Broccoli Salad, Meijer Spicy Breaded Chicken Sandwich. Snacks/Andere: White Bread, Peanut Butter, Best Choice Jumbo Marshmallow, 1% Fat Milk, Post Honey-Comb Cereal. meer...

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Have you ever talked to someone who specializes in this area of body hate DP? Would you consider it? 
28 mrt 22 door lid: wifey9707
No- I don't like talking to people, wifey. haha. 
28 mrt 22 door lid: davidsprincess
So write it down. 😜 
28 mrt 22 door lid: wifey9707
Wifey- Then I'll be thinking about it AND writing about it. hahahhaha 
28 mrt 22 door lid: davidsprincess
Hey DP I am glad to stumble on this post. I had to screenshot it. If you don’t mind. My way of thinking was just as that. So miserable and I see it affects my daughter too. This puts things in perspective plus even though we struggle to get to our goal weight or others cone easy for them. This really touches my mind and spirit. Thanks sis🖐🏽(high five). 
28 mrt 22 door lid: PinayRN
This is a lovely post. I have the autism which comes in a big bag with anxiety, depression and paranoia, not to mention exhaustion... But the up side of autism is the need to understand that doesn't stop. And the need for justice and truth that doesn't stop. You can't shut it off. It keeps chuntering no matter what you want or whatever anyone else says. And in this context - I used to be close to anorexic. I certainly didn't eat. The trick to staying thin back then was to not eat, and then every so often you'd lose the plot and eat half a pizza... and then no more food. Shockingly bad. I had a few epiphanies that I feel like I can add to your post... 1. being fat is not a moral issue. If we focus on our moral rectitude, whether we are good people or not, we find a lot of miswiring in our brains about food. We have to cut those wires. 2. Starving doesn't work for atonement although I can tell you anxiety says things to me like 'you're deeply humiliated by this terrible crime you have done (probably spoke in an off tone of voice, or didn't pick something up I dropped or something) but 'I'm just never going to eat again', while soothing, doesn't actually solve your problem. It's a diversion and a form of self-attack. 3. This car I drive, I need it to go. My current automobile has bits falling off it, bits broken, but it goes like stink and can make 0 - 100kmph in under 5 seconds. So who cares what it looks like. My actual body has been hacked into, chopped up, god knows what else. I am fond of my scars. I have only 1 1/2 tiddies left, by the time they finish whittling my boobs away I'll probably be flat chested. I joke that every couple of years they just hack a bit more away. I promised myself after the last tumour that if I got a total boob loss I'd go live in the forest and become an amazon. (They are credited with chopping off one boob so they could use a bow and arrow better.) It was amusing. Your body gets beat up over the years. But they keep on going. And everybody looks the same in the dark. ;) 
28 mrt 22 door lid: Bubbles McBubble
❤️ this! I’m obsessive about calories and logging. To the point if I can’t log it I generally won’t eat it. Drives the family crazy. To compensate I log early when I can and plan to bring things I can eat and log if family is having something I can’t have or can’t log. 🤷‍♀️ For your insulting yourself, have you considered affirmations every morning? Just tell yourself a couple things you like about your body and how you’ll never be perfect but you can learn to like the body you have and always work on being the best you can be health wise. When I’m depressed I find 3 things to be happy about that is positive that day. I think it would work for your body image too. It took me several weeks to start believing some of the things I told myself though so it’s not a quick process to change the way we think especially about ourselves. We are our worst critics!  
28 mrt 22 door lid: peeperjj
wise words!  
28 mrt 22 door lid: kaylinrenee
This was really helpful for me to read today. I have tears in my eyes right now. I keep telling myself that once I get to my goal I'll be happy and get to buy new clothes. I refuse to account for the fact that I'm not working 4 jobs and 24 years old and maybe my lower belly will just stay because I refuse to give up my pizza on the weekends. I've been considering giving up calorie tracking as I've been doing it for a year now and I'm starting to realize it's giving me a complex. Mostly, this post was really real and made me introspect. Thanks DP ❤️  
28 mrt 22 door lid: JC_suburbangothcatmom
I agree #5 and expand it to say talk to yourself like you talk to a friend you want to support. 
28 mrt 22 door lid: abbadabba
DP, thank you so much for sharing this very important and encouraging information. ❤️ And for sharing your personal thoughts. So much admiration I have for you. ❤ 
28 mrt 22 door lid: _bec_ca
Great stuff here! 
28 mrt 22 door lid: C0bby
YES 🙌 my kids are self conscious. My oldest I definitely ducked up. But it’s not too late! Princess! We can change for the better 
28 mrt 22 door lid: KayBuckaroo
Thanks, Pinay. Screen shot all you want. I did a big copy and paste. It will take a long time to shift my thinking. Bubbles, Thank you for sharing that! Thanks, Bananas. Prior to reading it- I didn't think I had much of a problem. Now I am realizing it is not only a problem, but a very big one at that. Peeper- I am a weirdo in the sense that I don't do affirmations but I do think I am very beautiful when I want to be. I have always liked my looks and personality, but this food/body image thing has a hold on me that I didn't realize is hurting me and my kids. Thank you, Kaylin! JC- I thought being thinner would solve the world's problems and I would be living my best life and though I was happier with my looks at 175, I was still the same me in the same life with the same shit. i would love to have your body but I also think a big part of this is learning to love my body and taking better care of it. Not taking better care of it because I will then lose weight and look hot- but taking better care of it because it is mine- all mine- the only one I have for this life. Yes, abbadabba! I adore you, Becca! 💕😘 Thanks, everyone, for your constant support! 
28 mrt 22 door lid: davidsprincess
Tim- I love compliments. hahaha. And those are two of my best features. I just want to learn to love and appreciate all of myself. That doesn't mean not recognizing that I am hurting myself from over eating or turning a blind eye to health problems that can come from obesity but to not make my self worth and every thought all about weight. Thanks, C0bbby! Kaybuckaroo- I know you know so much about this stuff! Thanks for encouraging me.  
28 mrt 22 door lid: davidsprincess
Great points DP. Good luck with moving forward. Remember to speak nicely about your appearance 🙂 
28 mrt 22 door lid: Daddy Manatee
You're beautiful and we raised amazing children. Talented, funny, and respectful (for the most part! 😜) 
28 mrt 22 door lid: -Diablo
From your pic from February I don't see fat. You have muscles. You're doing great 
28 mrt 22 door lid: RN16
I wish you all the best on this approach. You have a positive, supportive husband who sees you for what you are - a beautiful woman. Count yourself lucky. There‘s a fine line between self-criticality and self-bashing or even self-loathing. I often cross-over into that negative space and it drags me and other down. Here‘s to being positive 👍👍 
28 mrt 22 door lid: sk.17
Wow! The amount that I can relate to this is shocking, girl. Thank you for sharing both your insight and what you found that is helpful. How much we dwell on the negative and what we perceive as our failure is stunning when it comes down to it. You are wonderful and such an incredible blessing to me. I thank God for the privilege of knowing you and your being part of my life! Perhaps the bit that speaks to me the most is about you being the same person at any weight... OK that is paraphrase, but we can feel so grand and full of confidence and pride when we feel perfectly fit, the "right" weight, and in control of our intake. "failure" in any way drags us down to feel absolutely dreadful. Then... It is easy to live in a cycle of defeat. My beautiful friend, thank you for your vulnerability and for helping us see ourselves! ❤️❤️❤️❤️ 
28 mrt 22 door lid: melissatwa


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