Lid geworden juni 2022
Gewicht Geschiedenis

120,7 kg
Tot nu toe verloren: 0,5 kg

Huidig Gewicht
120,1 kg
Voortgang: gewichtsbehoud

70,3 kg
Nog te gaan: 49,8 kg
I have struggled over the years, and am up again, I have just over 100 pounds to lose. . I know that when I track my food I lose weight. So my goal is to track my food, and choose healthier foods. I am now 72 years old, and I look back over the years and cannot for the life of me figure out why I did not stick to a good nutritional diet. I love my crap food. I love feeling better. It is all hard. I must choose my hard, and stick to a plan of improvement. I have to choose myself too. I have always done for others. I want to die in a normal weight range.

Update: New to intermittent fasting. No tracking of food, just clean fast, eating in a "window", and stopping. I am in wonderment, husband is tweaking his blood sugars, from over 400 to below 115. Me, I am getting on board, reading "Fast Feast Repeat". I have noticed my left hip does not hurt climbing steps. That is a "Big" improvement! I say check it out, you may just get on board too!

Redpaisley's Gewicht Geschiedenis


Laatst ingevoerde gewicht: Gewichtsafname van 1,3 kg per week Down
Kenna Morton
Laatst ingevoerde gewicht: Gewichtsafname van 1,6 kg per week Down
Laatst ingevoerde gewicht: Gewichtsafname van 0,8 kg per week Down
Laatst ingevoerde gewicht: Gewichtsafname van 1,0 kg per week Down

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